Sometimes I just say things. They're horribly wrong but I think I'm right. I'm not saying opinions. I'm stating "facts."
I'm not out there saying, "McCain is going to Vermont" or shit like that. It's this doozy from last night:
"Los Angeles has 20 million people. Doesn't New York (City) have like 32 million?"
I am a pretty knowledgeable person. I am. I come off looking like a high school kid stuck in his late 20s (vice versa), but I am pretty smart about some stuff (rap music, television, 80s movies, Cleveland Indians, where hotties hang out).
Turns out. I wasn't even close on my population guesstimates. Population Guesstimates would be a great band name.
Phoenix is the fifth biggest city in the United States? Texas has three cities in the top 10?
This shit fascinates.
- From the desk of Art McGregor
"Ten percent of American lives in L.A." -AMG
A truer statement might have been, "Ten percent of Mexico lives in L.A."
you didn't know that? tsk.
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