Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Face tats

Blog on the Run correspondent Miss July recently filed this report about a lingerie store hostage situation in a part of the country near and dear to Dr. Willy Loman's heart.

Rivera walked in to the business with what appeared to be a bomb, allowed two customers to leave and held a female store manager hostage, police Lt. David Sportsman said. Sportsman did not give any information about a motive or why Rivera targeted the store. ... Authorities did not find an explosive device. The false bomb was made with Play-Doh, batteries and wire arranged like an explosive. The arrest report said the man carried a fake gun.
You see, Dr. Loman (formerly The Sport Writer) has filed one entry during his time on staff on this Web site so any and all news about his new redneck address will get play on Blog on the Run.

- From the desk of Art McGregor

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