Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Uninspired headline

I've got a good memory. I remember little bits of information. For example, I remember I went to see "Good Will Hunting" on January 30, 1998 at the Lennox. We walked from our dorm. It was about 12 degrees outside sometime after midnight when the movie let out. We lived on North Campus. Longest 1.7 miles ever.

Last night is one of those nights I'll likely never think about again.

Got home from work. Relaxed. Wrote an e-mail to The Dr. in Chicago. Watched an episode of "Flipping Out." (Great show) Watched the Indians beat the Tigers in a meaningless game. (Doesn't warrant a link) And went to bed at about 10:15 p.m.

Tonight holds a tad more promise. (Yes, no, maybe, no, no, maybe, no)

Sorry about that last link. It was all I could find on short notice when I googled "DMB Hotties."

- From the desk of Art McGregor

1 comment:

The Chancellor said...

Who are you kidding? Yes x 7